■Ensure that final copy reflects desired corporate image.
■Lay out documents so they are attractive and easy to
Graphic Design
■Design graphic images that are memorable and rein-
force the company brand.
■Create final graphic images in camera-ready form for
■Present graphic designs to client or executive for dis-
cussion at least one month prior to final deadline.
■Produce graphics that reinforce the message of the text
they are to accompany.
■Help the client define the messages to be conveyed by
the graphics, to the satisfaction of the client.
■Create a final product that reflects creative standards
and the needs and preferences of client/owner.
■Design conference displays that sales people perceive
as useful in increasing sales.
■Maintain an inventory of graphic materials, supplies,
and equipment as required for assigned projects.
■Translate thoughts, ideas, and images into pictures and
designs to the satisfaction of the client.
Web Site Design
■Document Web site code so others can understand and
work on code.
■Create a Web site that portrays the company consistent
with corporate image policy.
■Ensure that the Web site can be updated quickly and
■Make the Web site visually more appealing, according
to feedback surveys of Web site visitors.