
(singke) #1


Sales-Related Customer Relations

■Provide estimates to customers that are within 5% of cus-
tomer cost.
■Provide estimates for project conclusion accurate within
five days.
■Retain customers so that no more than five per year ask to
be transferred to another sales rep.
■Maintain overall rating by customers of at least “good” on
survey instrument.
■Be organized enough to meet customer contact commit-
ments at least 95% of the time.
■Project a professional image to potential customers dur-
ing sales presentations.
■Respond to sales inquiries within three hours.
■Ensure delivery of sold product on schedule 97% of the

Sales Strategy Development

■Identify major reasons why sales aren’t closed and sug-
gest strategies to improve close ratio.
■Identify customer issues/barriers to sales and participate
in sales strategy development team.
■Collect, summarize, and analyze customer input; generate
suggestions for new products and submit them annually
to the product director.
■Work with marketing/advertising to develop new advertising
strategies based on your understanding of your customers.
■As part of total sales team, contribute to sales increases of
a minimum of 5% for each salesperson on team.
■Develop a modular training program for newly hired
■Collect customer comments and pass them along to mar-
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