
(Martin Jones) #1


Trim your finished stitching,

leaving a 3cm (1¼in) border

around all sides.


Cut two pieces of backing

fabric measuring 36x25cm

(14x10in) for the envelope-

opening back panel. Sew a 2cm

(¾in) double hem along one long

edge of each piece.


Pin bias binding to the front

of your stitched piece, with

the sewing on the bias binding

aligned with the 1cm (½in) seam

allowance. Tack in place.


With right sides facing, place

the back panels over the front,

so the raw edges match and the

hemmed edges overlap in the

middle to create an envelope-

opening. Pin in place.


Sew around the edge of

the cushion, using a 1cm

(½in) seam allowance. Trim the

corners, then turn the cushion

cover through to the right side

and press using a cool iron. Insert

your cushion pad to finish.

How to make

the cushion

“I'm a big fan of the

shabby chic look, and

collages with a layered

effect work so well with

this style, so this wintry

design was an absolute

delight to create."

Amanda Gregory, designer

Bright idea

Because our cushion has a

collage feel, you could use

separate elements of the

design to stitch a matching

card or gift tag if you're

giving it as a present.

20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Winter cushion

Top right

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