Web User - UK (2019-11-27)

(Antfer) #1

6 27 Nov-10 Dec


ou don’t needto be a
programminggenius to get to
grips with the basics of machine
learning. Indeed,acouple ofyears
ago,Google launcheditsTeachable
Machine, which allowedanyonetouse
awebcam or files on their harddrive
to te ach thecomputer howto
recognise patterns in data.
Now, Google has u nveiled
Teacha ble Machine2.0,which again
doesn’trequireany coding and lets
youinterac tvia your microphone.
Choose between an Imag e, Audio
andPoseproject and,bys electing
photos,sounds or people moving
around,the computercan be
trainedto pick up on thedifferences
to classifynew examples –suchas
telling th edifferencebetween a
human andadog.Trained models
canthen beexportedtowebsites,

YouT ubehas madeafew tweaks to itswebsite,the most
useful of which is anew “add to queu e” button.Thisappears
when youhoveroveravideo thumbnailorc lick thethree-
dotmenuunderneath. As with theYouTube mobile app, the
queu eoptionletsyou choose thenextset of videosto
interrupting the
(which remains
an option), it
doesn’ tadd
them to yo ur
include longervideo titl es,largerthumbnails andvideo
previews that play in ahigher resolution.YouTube hasalso
addedchannelicons below thumbnailstomakeite asierto
reco gnisecontent creators.Recommendationsremain,but
it’s nowpossible to tell YouTube nottopromote aparticular
channel ontheYouTube homepage. Just clic kthe three-dot
menu andselectDon’t RecommendChannel.

Dropbox lets yousharefiles
that ot herscan access and
edit,but thedownsideist hat
collaborators canalter
theoriginal documents
and view anyupdatesyou
subsequentlymake. With a
newfeature called Dropbox
Transfer,you canselectfiles
from your harddrive or
Dropbox accountand
generate alink, so
recipientsare re stricted to
downloadingthe content
withoutalteringthe original.
It’s similartoWeTransfer and allows userstoget around
emailfile-size restrictions,although free Dropboxusers are
limitedto100MB. Paid -for accounts offerlimitsbetween
2GBand 100GB, depending on theplan, and letyou set
expirationdates and protectthe fi les with pass words.
It’s also possibletocheck howmanytimessomeonehas
accessed thefiles and maketransfersfromDropbox’s
desktopand iOSapps.

devicesand apps.
Along with ea sy-t o-follo wvideo
tutorials,there arelinks to three

example projects that teachthe
computertodetermineif abanana
is ripe,detectsimpl esoundsand
recognise whichway your headis
tiltin g. Real-lifeprojectsare also
exploredand, foranyoneworried
aboutprivacy,Google promisesthat
anymediayou upload orcapture
remainsonyour device unlessyou
save aproject to Google Drive.
teacha blemachine. withgoogle.com

Master machinelearningwithout

using code

QueuevideosonYouTube Sharelarge Dropbox files

with anyone

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