British Vogue - 09.2019

(Barré) #1

he repetitive comforts of baking are well known.
Baking is disciplined and precise. It won’t be
rushed, or allow its highly specific ingredients
to be guesstimated. It insists on proud post-
oven display on a cooling rack, self-important in its
deliciousness. And at Luminary Bakery, a social enterprise
in east London, it has proved a lifeline to some of the
country’s most disadvantaged women.
The six-month training programme that Luminary
Bakery offers at its Stoke Newington headquarters has
been transformative to some 56 women since its launch in

  1. Originally founded by a collective including Alice
    Williams, Sarah Harrison and Abigail Mifsud, its chief
    purpose is to empower women who have been victims of
    violence, such as sex trafficking, have been in the prison
    system or been homeless, to get back into work. Beginning
    life at the Kahaila Café on Brick Lane, it got its own
    terrazzo-surfaced, chequerboard-tiled premises in 2016.
    This autumn, as it attains independent charity status, it
    will open a second location, in Camden.
    Not everyone here is a professional baker. Williams, a
    30-year-old candy-haired youth worker by training, would
    rather sample one of the bakery’s bestselling cinnamon
    swirls than debate the merits of yeast cultures, as she admits
    sheepishly when we meet over a flat white one spring
    afternoon. “The other two co-founders are very keen home
    bakers!” she laughs. (They have since moved on to other
    projects.) “But my first job was as a Saturday girl in a bakery,
    and I was working at Kahaila when we came up with the
    idea, which is where we sold our first cakes, so I was a fan.”

The idea for a social enterprise came after Williams spent
time working at an NGO in Thailand that helped women
leave the sex trade. “Their model was brilliant: they supported
women in lots of ways but the key one was employment.”
Having volunteered at several charitable organisations for
disadvantaged women in London’s East End, she could see
a need for a gender-specific programme. “Many homeless
services, for instance, are filled with 80 to 90 per cent men,
and men with quite a lot of issues. Women weren’t attending
because it was too daunting and they felt unsafe.”
The Luminary Bakery programme is holistic in scope.
Cohorts of seven women attend classes for one day a week,
where they’re taught to bake and are also educated in food
hygiene, time and money management, and computer literacy,
as well as given access to a community – and the chance of
employment once they graduate. “When the women arrive,
they are shy and reserved,” says Williams. “Walking into a
group environment can be overwhelming when every
experience they’ve had like that has been negative. But to
see a loaf of bread or a cake they’ve created come out of the
oven – it’s really significant for their confidence. Pretty soon
they’re firm friends, looking after each other’s kids.”
Halimot Ogunnaike is one such success story. A Nigeria-
born survivor of child trafficking, the graduate of the
programme now has her own cake-decorating and catering
business, Haliberry, in east London. Other graduates go on
to be employed in the hospitality industry or the bakery itself,
baking and selling to a loyal band of local customers and
businesses. Behind our table sits a pile of carrot cakes being
prepared for delivery, each one decorated by an Albanian
graduate known as “Z”, who is now Luminary’s apprentice
baker. “She’s gone from decorating one cake per shift to 17,
which is serious skills,” says Williams. “This week she made
her first wedding cake, which was amazing to see.” Drawn
back to the counter by the smell of soda bread, I notice a pile
of spinach and feta byrek, an Albanian pastry, in the window.
Z smiles when I make a purchase: it’s her own recipe. She
has been schooling the Luminary Bakery, too. n

Bread winners

An all-female bakery is empowering

disadvantaged women to bake their way

into employment, finds Ellie Pithers

Above, from top:
bakers, ambassadors
and former apprentices
at Luminary Bakery,
which is headed up by
Alice Williams, far right;
one of the many wedding
cakes that the bakery
has produced




09-19-Living-Luminary-Bakery.indd 178 15/07/2019 15:37

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