
(Nora) #1
Episode: Searching for Peace and Quiet

Episode: Why No One Feels Rich:
The Psychology of Inequality



When we find ourselves
responsible for others’ well-
being, there’s the opportunity
for our mindfulness practice
to be transformed. That is, if
we—as parents or caregivers
of any nature—can even find
time to meditate. And if we
can withstand the pressures
of being imperfect people
who are, nevertheless, relied
upon to provide help and

How we think about inequal-
ity matters. Psychologist
Keith Payne reports that,
all the way up the income
ladder, even the wealthiest
1% compare themselves
unfavorably to still-wealthier
others. Why? It’s a survival
tactic, enhanced by life under
capitalism. In moderation,
“upward” social comparison
can be adaptive, motivat-
ing us to work hard to earn

solutions. We can, in these
kinds of situations, “practice
not knowing right now. Learn
from it, don’t separate from
it.” Author and Buddhist
teacher Joan Halifax talks
with humor and wisdom
about specific ways to bring
a grounded awareness
into all of our interactions
as compassionate, ethical

more—and conversely,
“downward” social com-
parisons can make us feel like
our own rung on the ladder
is A-OK after all, which may
be demotivating. Our brains
are never sure whether we
truly have “enough.” If we’re
aware of these mental habits,
says Payne, “we can be more
mindful about the kinds of
comparisons we’re making
on a daily basis.”

Episode: “Everyday Generosity”: Drew Formsma

How many seventeen-year-
olds spend their free time
doing motivational speaking
on the power of generosity?
One, at least. That’s Drew
Formsma, a Californian teen
with a passion for giving.
Drew talks to host Nicole
Philips about his book (written
with his dad, Brad) Everyday

Generosity: Becoming a
Generous Family in a Selfie
World, which aims to inspire
all manner of giving, from a
kind word to our full attention.
“A lot of times, when you give,
it’s easy to expect something
out of it,” Drew says. “But it’s
not about us; it’s about the
person we’re giving to.” ●

76 mindful August 2019

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