Discover Britain - 10.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
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in the contemporary press, but neither
company seemed concerned about public
relations damage.
At the turn of the century, the
Metropolitan and the District were
still locked in rivalry as each planned a
further extension into rural Middlesex
by different routes to Uxbridge. However,
their relationship improved somewhat
after the resignation of Watkin from the
chairmanship of the Metropolitan in 1894
following a stroke. The spur to progress
on both railways now came not from their
mutual competition but externally, from
technological developments that were to
reshape urban transport in London during
the Edwardian period. Electrification, Tube
tunnelling and US finance would bring
about a complete transformation of the
London Underground in the years before
the First World War.n

This is an edited extract from
London’s Underground: The
Story of the Tube by Oliver Green,
photographs by Benjamin Graham.
White Lion Publishing, RRP

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