
(lily) #1
Rose quartz crystals | Crystals of rose
quartz are exceedingly rare. Here, a group of
crystals up to 1cm (^1 ⁄ 2 in) in length surmount
massive rose quartz.

Hawk’s eye rough | Hawk’s eye is the
mineral crocidolite saturated with quartz.
In this variety the crocidolite is not oxidized;
the oxidized variety is known as tiger’s eye.

Natural citrine | Much of the “citrine”
quartz variety in the marketplace today is
heat-treated amethyst. This Brazilian crystal
is totally natural, and shows some water wear.

Cat’s eye quartz rough | The parallel
needles of another mineral that create the
“eye” when cut en cabochon can be seen in
this piece of cat’s eye quartz rough.

Rock crystal | This stunning group of perfectly formed
quartz rock crystals originates from the state of Arkansas,
USA. It is large at 13cm (5in) in height and also features
a base of tiny quartz crystals.

Rutilated quartz | This quartz crystal is
shot through with needle-like crystals of the
titanium mineral rutile. Quartz can also have
black-to-green needles of tourmaline.

Rock crystal rough | This well-formed
crystal is internally flawless, and is suitable
for cutting into gems, carving, or being sliced
into oscillator plates for electronics.

Namibian quartz | Quartz specimens
from different localities all bear the same
characteristic internal structure. This piece
originates from Namibia.

Milky quartz | Long disregarded for its lack
of clarity, translucent to opaque milky quartz
has, in recent years, become highly valued
by gem cutters and New Age collectors.



Flawless interior


Prism face

Small crystals

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