
(lily) #1



his Cartier flamingo
was commissioned
by the Duke of
Windsor for Wallis
Simpson, the woman for
whom he gave up the British
throne. It is one of the most
famous of the numerous jewels
that he bestowed on her.
The brilliant-cut, calibrated
(uniformly sized) diamonds
have a pavé setting in the platinum and
yellow-gold base to create the glittering
body and legs of the flamingo. The
plumage of the wings and tail is composed
of step-cut emeralds, rubies, and
sapphires. The eye is a single sapphire
cabochon (a polished rather than faceted
stone) while the beak is formed from citrine
and sapphire cabochons.
American socialite Wallis Simpson had
already been twice divorced when she
captured the attention of the heir to the
British throne, Edward VIII, in 1934. The
prince was determined to marry her at
any cost, causing a crisis when the
reigning monarch King George V

died. Edward was now the
head of the Church of
England, which did not
permit divorcées to remarry.
Unable to bring himself to
relinquish Simpson, Edward
abdicated in 1936, and his
younger brother George VI
became king, granting
Edward the title “Duke of
Edward commissioned the flamingo
brooch for his wife three years after their
wedding. As materials, he supplied one
of her necklaces and four of her bracelets
to Cartier’s director Jeanne Touissant in
Paris. Touissant, together with her design
partner, Peter Lemarchand, used the
reclaimed gems to complete the flamingo
jewel in 1940.
The Duke presented the brooch to
his wife, now the Duchess of Windsor, for
her birthday that year and it became one
of her most treasured pieces. After
her death it was owned by private
collectors, and was exhibited by
Cartier in 2013.

Key dates







1937 On 3 June, Edward,
now Duke of Windsor,
marries Simpson, who
becomes Duchess
of Windsor

1936 On 13 December,
Edward abdicates in
order to marry Simpson

1934 Wallis Simpson
meets Edward VIII

1936 On 22 January, King
George V dies and Edward
VIII inherits the throne

1940 The Duke of Windsor
brings a necklace and
bracelets to Cartier, Paris
to be used in the creation
of the flamingo brooch. It
is completed and presented
to Simpson on her birthday

1987 The brooch is put
up for auction at Sotheby’s

2010 The brooch is
auctioned again by Sotheby’s

2013 The brooch appears
in an exhibition by Cartier.
It remains in private hands

1972 The Duke
of Windsor dies

1986 Wallis Simpson dies




The Duke and Duchess
of Windsor on their
wedding day

Duchess of Windsor’s Cartier flamingo brooch

Duchess of Windsor’s emerald and
ruby 20th-anniversary Cartier brooch

△ Wallis Simpson, later the Duchess of Windsor, 1936

Duchess of Windsor’s gem and
diamond Cartier bracelet

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