
(lily) #1



his celebrated emerald
dagger is the star attraction
of the Topkapi Palace Museum
in Istanbul, Turkey. It is one of
the finest objects of its kind, but its
origins are inextricably linked with
bloodshed and treachery.
It was made in Istanbul in
the mid-18th century by the royal
craftsmen of the Ottoman ruler,
Sultan Mahmud I, most likely as a
diplomatic gift for the Persian leader,
Nadir Shah. Later known as “the
Napoleon of Persia”, Nadir Shah

was the most powerful military
figure in the region, and he had
recently waged a bitter war
against the Ottomans.
The two countries
made peace in 1746
and exchanged gifts.
Mahmud’s contribution
included the spectacular dagger.
This was a shrewd choice, as
Nadir’s fondness for jewels was well
known – he had seized many during
his campaigns in India, including the
Koh-i-noor diamond (see pp.58–59).

The dagger is dominated
by the huge emeralds in its
handle. In the Islamic world,
emeralds were highly prized
and exotic – these are thought
to originate from the Muzo
mines in Colombia. The
main upper and lower
emeralds are pear-shaped,
while the middle one has
a rectangular cushion cut.
Another octagonal emerald
on top of the handle lifts to
reveal a watch. The handle
and sheath consist of gold set
with diamonds, with enamel
and mother-of-pearl decoration.
Nadir Shah never lived to see
the dagger: while the gifts were
in transit, he was assassinated in
his bed. Upon hearing the news,
the escort party returned home
and the dagger was placed in Topkapi
Palace, where it is still on display. Its
popularity grew in 1964, when the heist
film Topkapi depicted a fictitious plot to
steal the dagger, winning actor Peter
Ustinov an Oscar.

Key dates







1739 Nadir Shah
carries off the
Koh-i-noor diamond
to Persia

1743–46 Persia
is at war with the
Ottoman Empire
1746 After the peace
treaty is signed in
September, Nadir
Shah sends lavish
gifts to Mahmud I

1747 In May, Sultan
Mahmud I reciprocates by
sending the dagger and
other gifts to Nadir Shah
1747 Nadir Shah
is assassinated on
20 June by members
of his own guard



Poster for the film
featuring the dagger

... the famous Istanbul dagger

contains the four world’s most

priceless emeralds

Topkapi film

Topkapi emerald dagger

The emerald-set cover at the top of the handle
opens to reveal a gold watch

△ Sultan Mahmud I, who commissioned the dagger

The Topkapi dagger,
comprising gold set with
emeralds and diamonds

Topkapi Palace, where the
dagger is still displayed

1924 The Topkapi Palace is
converted into a museum

1964 The dagger is
central to the plot of
the Hollywood film
Topkapi, which was
based on a novel
by Eric Ambler

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