
(lily) #1


Grossular garnet | Grossular garnets are
found in a variety of colours. This example,
cut in a mixed-cut cushion, is near colourless
with a greenish tinge.

Grossular garnet | Grossular garnets
tend to be pink or green, but may be found
in other colours. This crystal in a groundmass
is deep pink-red.

Hessonite garnets | Hessonite, informally referred to
as “cinnamon stone”, is an orange-brown garnet and
one of the varieties of grossular garnet. This specimen
consists of a cluster of vividly-coloured crystals.

Green demantoid | The green of demantoid
andradite garnets varies from yellow-green
to the deep, rich green of this triangular
fancy-cut stone.

Colour-change garnet | Discovered in
Madagascar only in 1990, this garnet
is a mixture of pyrope and spessartine,
and shifts from blue-green to purple.

Rough Varieties

hessonite crystals

Demantoid garnet | Faceted in a round
standard brilliant, this demantoid variety
of andradite has a yellowish-tinge to its
otherwise green colouring.

Uvarovite | Green uvarovite garnet
is one of the rarest varieties of the mineral.
Here, uvarovite crystals form a crust on a
rock groundmass.

Demantoid garnet | Demantoid means
“diamond-like”, referring to brilliance. This
stone is a green variety of andradite and is
faceted here with an oval mixed cut.

Grossular brilliant | This flawless, light
green grossular faceted into a classic
round brilliant is cut from rough material
mined in Mali.

Melanite andradite garnet | This
fine crystal of andradite garnet displays
the form of a dodecahedron modified
by an octahedron.

Alamandine in matrix | This specimen
has a number of classic almandine garnet
dodecahedrons embedded in a groundmass
of mica schist.

Grossular garnet Uvarovite crystals

Alamandine Mica schist
garnet crystals

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