
(lily) #1


Corn sits under
a collapsed
grain bin
surrounded by
floodwater in
Thurman, Iowa,
on March 23

Extreme weather
in Iowa has forced
2020 U.S. presidential
candidates to tackle
climate change
By Justin Worland/
Des Moines




sequester carbon.”
The trip to Russell’s 110-acre farm is
becoming a habit for the Democratic can-
didates for President. Ohio Representa-
tive Tim Ryan visited before launching
his campaign, and former Texas Con-
gressman Beto O’Rourke stopped by
in June. Russell has also chatted with
Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and

South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg
elsewhere, and hopped on the phone
with staffers for Massachusetts Senator
Elizabeth Warren and former Vice Pres-
ident Joe Biden, among others. But he’s
hardly the only Iowan giving candidates
an earful on climate change. Across the
state, Democratic presidential hopefuls
have heard from business owners whose
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