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cognitive behavioural therapy
(CBT). Research shows that this
combined treatment has physical
and psychological benefits, with a
2014 British Association of Der-
matologists’ study revealing that,
among patients who completed
psychodermatology therapies, nine
out of 10 reported reduced stress,
increased confidence and a better
understanding of their condition.
It is a seminal theory but, in
practice, teenagers are unlikely to
link their skin condition to their
mental health and, even if they
do, may feel too self-conscious to
visit a psychologist. The award-
winning Teenage and Young Adult
Dermatology Clinic at Oxford
University Hospitals is looking to
overcome these barriers, and re-
duce any stigma or embarrass-
ment, by employing an on-site
psychiatrist who is both accessible
and low key.
‘I try to get all new patients to
meet our in-house psychologist,
so they can have a quick catch-up
and explore if there is anything
we can help them with,’ explains
Dr Tess McPherson, a consultant
dermatologist who leads the pae-
diatric and adolescent service at
the centre. ‘Some will benefit
from formal CBT, others will be
referred to psychiatric care for anti-
depressants; some people just
need a chat and a little bit of sup-
port, while others will be offered a
course of mindful yoga.’
One patient who has benefited
from the holistic approach offered
by this groundbreaking clinic is
18-year-old Miriam.
‘I’ve always had eczema, and
then it started getting really bad
during secondary school, when I
was in Year 7 or 8,’ she said. ‘It
was really lovely to find the centre

  • I felt like I’d finally got some-
    where. Talking to Tess gave me so
    much more confidence than the
    GP ever had. She said, “We’ll sort
    this out”, and she had a whole
    plan – I came out of there feeling
    better than I had in quite a while.’
    Like all the young patients at
    the clinic, Miriam met the resi-
    dent psychologist shortly after ]

10-19-Schools-Guide-Feature-Psychodermatology.indd 9 13/08/2019 08:16

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