Entertainment Weekly - 10.2019

(ff) #1


Wrathful, you
might say. In
season 14 finale,
Sam (Jared Pada-
lecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles)
learned that Chuck (the pre-
ferred name for the big man
upstairs, played by Rob Ben-
edict) has quite literally been
the author of their lives, orches-
trating every dramatic twist
and turn that has made them
who they are (and made the
show a hit). And the moment
the brothers stopped following
Chuck’s plan, he opened the
gates of hell, freed the many
souls Sam and Dean had
defeated over the years, and left
the Winchesters and their
angelic brother-of-sorts Castiel

out what to do.” But escaping
their current situation is only
step 1, because then the boys
have to deal with the fact that
they’re going up against God
himself. “This is, as far as we
know, the most powerful being

in the universe, and he’s against
us,” Collins says, with Padalecki
adding, “But we’re also strug-
gling with: Is Chuck evil, or is he
just trying to objectively write a
story that’s exciting which con-
trols our lives?”


Returning Drama
Season 15
O C T— 10
8 pm � THE CW

(Misha Collins) surrounded by
a horde of zombies. “We start
right back up in season 15, and it
is a bit of a triage situation,”
Ackles says. “They gotta get out
of there, they gotta find some
shelter, and they gotta figure

There’s a new headmaster at
the Salvatore Boarding School
for the Young & Gifted. When
Legacies, the latest show in the
Vampire Diaries universe, picks
up for season 2, the supernatu-
ral learning institution will be
missing two major players:
Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose
Russell), the vampire-werewolf-
witch tribrid who sacrificed
herself to destroy the hell

Returning Drama
Season 2 � OCT—10
9 pm � THE CW

↑ “Supernatural’s always played with the free-will-versus-destiny argument,” Padalecki (above,
with Jensen Ackles) says. “We’re struggling with ‘Is there a point to doing anything?’ ”

↓ Alexis Denisof’s Professor Vardemus is ready for picture day
dimension better known as
Malivore, and Alaric (Matthew
Davis), the former headmaster
(and one of the unluckiest men
in all of Mystic Falls). “The first
line in the script in episode 1
says ‘Cut to Alaric Saltzman,
hair and beard growth: unem-
ployed,’ ” showrunner Julie Plec
says. “Now that he has been
removed from [the headmas-
ter] position, he’s lost.” The
school, however, will be under
new, very well-dressed lead-
ership as Angel alum Alexis
Denisof joins the cast as Pro-
LEGACIESfessor Vardemus. “He is the

COMMON KNOWLEDGE? > University of Northeastern California, California University, University of Los Angeles, Hearst College






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