Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1

1.9. SCANF()

.text:00401000 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:00401000 argc = dword ptr 8
.text:00401000 argv = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:00401000 envp = dword ptr 10h
.text:00401000 push ebp
.text:00401001 mov ebp, esp
.text:00401003 push ecx
.text:00401004 push offset Format ; "Enter X:\n"
.text:00401009 call ds:printf
.text:0040100F add esp, 4
.text:00401012 lea eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:00401015 push eax
.text:00401016 push offset aD ; "%d"
.text:0040101B call ds:scanf
.text:00401021 add esp, 8
.text:00401024 cmp eax, 1
.text:00401027 jnz short error
.text:00401029 mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:0040102C push ecx
.text:0040102D push offset aYou ; "You entered %d...\n"
.text:00401032 call ds:printf
.text:00401038 add esp, 8
.text:0040103B jmp short exit
.text:0040103D error: ; CODE XREF: _main+27
.text:0040103D push offset aWhat ; "What you entered? Huh?\n"
.text:00401042 call ds:printf
.text:00401048 add esp, 4
.text:0040104B exit: ; CODE XREF: _main+3B
.text:0040104B xor eax, eax
.text:0040104D mov esp, ebp
.text:0040104F pop ebp
.text:00401050 retn
.text:00401050 _main endp

Now it is slightly easier to understand the code. However, it is not a good idea to comment on every

You could also hide(collapse) parts of a function inIDA. To do that mark the block, then press “–” on the
numerical pad and enter the text to be displayed instead.

Let’s hide two blocks and give them names:

.text:00401000 _text segment para public 'CODE' use32
.text:00401000 assume cs:_text
.text:00401000 ;org 401000h
.text:00401000 ; ask for X
.text:00401012 ; get X
.text:00401024 cmp eax, 1
.text:00401027 jnz short error
.text:00401029 ; print result
.text:0040103B jmp short exit
.text:0040103D error: ; CODE XREF: _main+27
.text:0040103D push offset aWhat ; "What you entered? Huh?\n"
.text:00401042 call ds:printf
.text:00401048 add esp, 4
.text:0040104B exit: ; CODE XREF: _main+3B
.text:0040104B xor eax, eax
.text:0040104D mov esp, ebp
.text:0040104F pop ebp
.text:00401050 retn
.text:00401050 _main endp

To expand previously collapsed parts of the code, use “+” on the numerical pad.

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