Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1



There are several popular meanings of the term “reverse engineering”:

  1. The reverse engineering of software; researching compiled programs

  2. The scanning of 3D structures and the subsequent digital manipulation required in order to duplicate

  3. RecreatingDBMS^7 structure

This book is about the first meaning.


Basic knowledge of the CPL^8. Recommended reading:12.1.3 on page 1012.

Exercises and tasks

...can be found at:

About the author

Dennis Yurichev is an experienced reverse engineer and programmer.
He can be contacted by email:[email protected].

Praise forAssembly Language for Beginners

  • “Now that Dennis Yurichev has made this book free (libre), it is a contribution to the world of free
    knowledge and free education.” Richard M. Stallman, GNU founder, software freedom activist.

  • “It’s very well done .. and for free .. amazing.”^9 Daniel Bilar, Siege Technologies, LLC.

  • “... excellent and free”^10 Pete Finnigan, Oracle RDBMS security guru.

  • “... [the] book is interesting, great job!” Michael Sikorski, author of Practical Malware Analysis: The
    Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software.

  • “... my compliments for the very nice tutorial!” Herbert Bos, full professor at the Vrije Universiteit
    Amsterdam, co-author of Modern Operating Systems (4th Edition).

  • “... It is amazing and unbelievable.” Luis Rocha, CISSP / ISSAP, Technical Manager, Network & Infor-
    mation Security at Verizon Business.

  • “Thanks for the great work and your book.” Joris van de Vis, SAP Netweaver & Security specialist.

(^7) Database Management Systems
(^8) Programming Language

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