Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1


mov [esp+18h+var_18], offset aThree ; "three"
call _puts
jmp short locret_8048450

loc_8048436: ; DATA XREF: .rodata:0804856C
mov [esp+18h+var_18], offset aFour ; "four"
call _puts
jmp short locret_8048450

loc_8048444: ; CODE XREF: f+A
mov [esp+18h+var_18], offset aSomethingUnkno ; "something unknown"
call _puts

locret_8048450: ; CODE XREF: f+26
; f+34...
f endp

off_804855C dd offset loc_80483FE ; DATA XREF: f+12
dd offset loc_804840C
dd offset loc_804841A
dd offset loc_8048428
dd offset loc_8048436

It is almost the same, with a little nuance: argumentarg_0is multiplied by 4 by shifting it to left by 2 bits
(it is almost the same as multiplication by 4) (1.18.2 on page 217). Then the address of the label is taken
from theoff_804855Carray, stored inEAX, and thenJMP EAXdoes the actual jump.

ARM: Optimizing Keil 6/2013 (ARM mode)

Listing 1.154: Optimizing Keil 6/2013 (ARM mode)

00000174 f2
00000174 05 00 50 E3 CMP R0, #5 ; switch 5 cases
00000178 00 F1 8F 30 ADDCC PC, PC, R0,LSL#2 ; switch jump
0000017C 0E 00 00 EA B default_case ; jumptable 00000178 default case

00000180 loc_180 ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000180 03 00 00 EA B zero_case ; jumptable 00000178 case 0

00000184 loc_184 ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000184 04 00 00 EA B one_case ; jumptable 00000178 case 1

00000188 loc_188 ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000188 05 00 00 EA B two_case ; jumptable 00000178 case 2

0000018C loc_18C ; CODE XREF: f2+4
0000018C 06 00 00 EA B three_case ; jumptable 00000178 case 3

00000190 loc_190 ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000190 07 00 00 EA B four_case ; jumptable 00000178 case 4

00000194 zero_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000194 ; f2:loc_180
00000194 EC 00 8F E2 ADR R0, aZero ; jumptable 00000178 case 0
00000198 06 00 00 EA B loc_1B8

0000019C one_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
0000019C ; f2:loc_184
0000019C EC 00 8F E2 ADR R0, aOne ; jumptable 00000178 case 1

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