Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1


.byte (.L3 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 10
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 11
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 12
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 13
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 14
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 15
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 16
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 17
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 18
.byte (.L2 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 19
.byte (.L6 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 20
.byte (.L6 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 21
.byte (.L7 - .Lrtx4) / 4 ; case 22
; everything after ".text" statement is allocated in the code (text) segment:
; print "22"
adrp x0, .LC3
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC3
b puts
; print "8, 9, 21"
adrp x0, .LC2
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC2
b puts
; print "3, 4, 5"
adrp x0, .LC1
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
b puts
; print "1, 2, 7, 10"
adrp x0, .LC0
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC0
b puts
.string "1, 2, 7, 10"
.string "3, 4, 5"
.string "8, 9, 21"
.string "22"
.string "default"

Let’s compile this example to object file and open it inIDA. Here is the jump table:

Listing 1.160: jumptable in IDA

.rodata:0000000000000064 AREA .rodata, DATA, READONLY
.rodata:0000000000000064 ; ORG 0x64
.rodata:0000000000000064 $d DCB 9 ; case 1
.rodata:0000000000000065 DCB 9 ; case 2
.rodata:0000000000000066 DCB 6 ; case 3
.rodata:0000000000000067 DCB 6 ; case 4
.rodata:0000000000000068 DCB 6 ; case 5
.rodata:0000000000000069 DCB 6 ; case 6
.rodata:000000000000006A DCB 9 ; case 7
.rodata:000000000000006B DCB 3 ; case 8
.rodata:000000000000006C DCB 3 ; case 9
.rodata:000000000000006D DCB 9 ; case 10
.rodata:000000000000006E DCB 0xF7 ; case 11
.rodata:000000000000006F DCB 0xF7 ; case 12
.rodata:0000000000000070 DCB 0xF7 ; case 13
.rodata:0000000000000071 DCB 0xF7 ; case 14
.rodata:0000000000000072 DCB 0xF7 ; case 15
.rodata:0000000000000073 DCB 0xF7 ; case 16
.rodata:0000000000000074 DCB 0xF7 ; case 17
.rodata:0000000000000075 DCB 0xF7 ; case 18
.rodata:0000000000000076 DCB 0xF7 ; case 19

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