Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1


addiu $sp, -0x18
sw $fp, 0x18+var_4($sp)
move $fp, $sp
sw $a0, 0x18+a($fp)
; initialize rt and i variables to zero:
sw $zero, 0x18+rt($fp)
sw $zero, 0x18+i($fp)
; jump to loop check instructions:
b loc_68
or $at, $zero ; branch delay slot, NOP

li $v1, 1
lw $v0, 0x18+i($fp)
or $at, $zero ; load delay slot, NOP
sllv $v0, $v1, $v0
; $v0 = 1<<i
move $v1, $v0
lw $v0, 0x18+a($fp)
or $at, $zero ; load delay slot, NOP
and $v0, $v1, $v0
; $v0 = a&(1<<i)
; is a&(1<<i) equals to zero? jump to loc_58 then:
beqz $v0, loc_58
or $at, $zero
; no jump occurred, that means a&(1<<i)!=0, so increment "rt" then:
lw $v0, 0x18+rt($fp)
or $at, $zero ; load delay slot, NOP
addiu $v0, 1
sw $v0, 0x18+rt($fp)

; increment i:
lw $v0, 0x18+i($fp)
or $at, $zero ; load delay slot, NOP
addiu $v0, 1
sw $v0, 0x18+i($fp)

; load i and compare it with 0x20 (32).
; jump to loc_20 if it is less then 0x20 (32):
lw $v0, 0x18+i($fp)
or $at, $zero ; load delay slot, NOP
slti $v0, 0x20 # ' '
bnez $v0, loc_20
or $at, $zero ; branch delay slot, NOP
; function epilogue. return rt:
lw $v0, 0x18+rt($fp)
move $sp, $fp ; load delay slot
lw $fp, 0x18+var_4($sp)
addiu $sp, 0x18 ; load delay slot
jr $ra
or $at, $zero ; branch delay slot, NOP

That is verbose: all local variables are located in the local stack and reloaded each time they’re needed.

TheSLLVinstruction is “Shift Word Left Logical Variable”, it differs fromSLLonly in that the shift amount
is encoded in theSLLinstruction (and is fixed, as a consequence), butSLLVtakes shift amount from a

Optimizing GCC

That is terser. There are two shift instructions instead of one. Why?

It’s possible to replace the firstSLLVinstruction with an unconditional branch instruction that jumps right
to the secondSLLV. But this is another branching instruction in the function, and it’s always favorable to
get rid of them:2.10.1 on page 466.

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