Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1

1.25. UNIONS

MOV R0, #0
BL time
BL my_srand
MOV R4, #0x64 ; 'd'

BL float_rand
; S0=pseudorandom value
LDR R0, =aF ; "%f"
; convert float type value into double type value (printf() will need it):
; bitwise copy from D7 into R2/R3 pair of registers (for printf()):
FMRRD R2, R3, D7
BL printf
SUBS R4, R4, #1
BNE loc_78
MOV R0, R4

aF DCB "%f",0xA,0

We’ll also make a dump in objdump and we’ll see that the FPU instructions have different names than in
IDA. Apparently, IDA and binutils developers used different manuals? Perhaps it would be good to know
both instruction name variants.

Listing 1.358: Optimizing GCC 4.6.3 (objdump)

00000038 :
38: e92d4008 push {r3, lr}
3c: ebfffffe bl 10
40: ed9f0a05 vldr s0, [pc, #20] ; 5c <float_rand+0x24>
44: e3c034ff bic r3, r0, #-16777216 ; 0xff000000
48: e3c33502 bic r3, r3, #8388608 ; 0x800000
4c: e38335fe orr r3, r3, #1065353216 ; 0x3f800000
50: ee073a90 vmov s15, r3
54: ee370ac0 vsub.f32 s0, s15, s0
58: e8bd8008 pop {r3, pc}
5c: 3f800000 svccc 0x00800000


0: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
4: e3a00000 mov r0, #0
8: ebfffffe bl 0
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