Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1


Press F8 (step over).

We see the following output in the console:

a=1; b=2; c=3

Let’s see how the registers and stack state have changed:

Figure 1.10:OllyDbg afterprintf()execution

RegisterEAXnow contains0xD(13). That is correct, sinceprintf()returns the number of characters
printed. The value ofEIPhas changed: indeed, now it contains the address of the instruction coming
afterCALL printf.ECXandEDXvalueshavechangedaswell. Apparently, theprintf()function’shidden
machinery used them for its own needs.

A very important fact is that neither theESPvalue, nor the stack state have been changed! We clearly
see that the format string and corresponding 3 values are still there. This is indeed thecdeclcalling
convention behavior:calleedoes not returnESPback to its previous value. Thecalleris responsible to do

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