Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1
That is why we chose 0xE1223344—E 16 (1110 2 ) 0xE (1110b) means that it is 1) user exception; 2) error.

But to be honest, this example works fine without these high bits.

Then we try to read a value from memory at address 0.

Of course, there is nothing at this address in win32, so an exception is raised.

The very first handler is to be called—yours, and it will know about it first, by checking the code if it’s

The code that’s reading from memory at address 0 is looks like this:

Listing 6.23: MSVC 2010
xor eax, eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR [eax] ; exception will occur here
push eax
push OFFSET msg
call _printf
add esp, 8

Will it be possible to fix this error “on the fly” and to continue with program execution?

Yes, our exception handler can fix theEAXvalue and let theOSexecute this instruction once again. So
that is what we do. printf()prints 1234, because after the execution of our handlerEAXis not 0, but
contains the address of the global variablenew_value. The execution will resume.

That is what is going on: the memory manager in theCPUsignals about an error, theCPUsuspends the
thread, finds the exception handler in the Windows kernel, which, in turn, starts to call all handlers in the
SEHchain, one by one.

We use MSVC 2010 here, but of course, there is no any guarantee thatEAXwill be used for this pointer.

This address replacement trick is showy, and we considering it here as an illustration ofSEH’s internals.
Nevertheless, it’s hard to recall any case where it is used for “on-the-fly” error fixing.

Why SEH-related records are stored right in the stack instead of some other place?

Supposedly because theOSis not needing to care about freeing this information, these records are simply
disposed when the function finishes its execution. This is somewhat like alloca(): (1.7.2 on page 35).

Now let’s get back to MSVC

Supposedly, MicrosoftprogrammersneededexceptionsinC,butnotinC++(foruseinWindowsNTkernel,
which is written in C), so they added a non-standard C extension to MSVC^45. It is not related to C++PL

__except(filter code)
handler code

“Finally” block may be instead of handler code:


(^45) MSDN

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