July 4 CALENDAR 1m ago
Drinks Drinks Drinks
Invitation to $quad
October 18, 2019 @ 8:00 PM
I’m young enough to have
a ton of plans but
too old to remember when
they’re happening.
M y wo r k lif e is lit e ra l l y
dominated by calendar
invites—for meetings,
deadlines, meetings
about deadlines. So I
kind of hate also having
to deal with them for stuff
like “Bachelor night with
the girrrls!” Plus, there’s
something almost
shame-y about being
f o rc e d t o c a n c e l a n o f f i -
cial invite instead of
sending a quick “I hate to
do this, but...” text. And
sometimes, invites are
jus t p o in t l e s s. I h a ve a
friend who lives across
the country, and when-
ever she visits, she sends
cal invites for random
museum trips and ice-
cream stops. I appreciate
the hustle, but girl, can’t
we just see where the
wind takes us? (Never
mind that we’ll be
together the entire time
she’s here—like, she
s l e e p s o n my c o u c h.)
But mostly: Because
#Technology, all my cal-
endars are synced up to
my phone’s iCal—where
every single day now has
a dot in it and I get
approximately 4 million
notifications. It makes
things that are supposed
to be fun feel stressful. I
jus t wa n t t o c hil l w it h a
marg and no schedule. Is
that too much to ask?
I recently made a
decision that felt more
like a personality
change: stop overcom-
mitting to social stuff
and then canceling all
the time. Which is how
I became one of Those
People who sends cal-
endar invites for every-
thing. Dinner with the
group text on Friday?
I’m hitting ’em with a
cal invite. Brunch with
one other person on
Saturday? ~Cal invite~.
A friend coming to
town who wants to see
everyone at the clurb?
You’re alllll getting that
cal invite, guys. In the
wise words of Britney
Spears, I’m not a girl,
not yet a woman—like,
I’m young enough to
have a ton of plans but
too old to remember
when they’re happen-
ing. Plus, invites guilt
everyone into showing
up (I’m not above it!).
“Sorry, forgot!” doesn’t
work when this shit has
been on your sched-
ule for weeks. The best
part, though, is that
invites now also hold a
sacred purpose: They
let me know when I
have a night off. TBH,
I’m one step away from
sending cal invites for
that too.
social media editor
staff writer
Two Cosmo staffers
throw down.
Should you
b*t ch
who sends cal
invit es t o,
like, drinks?
112 Cosmopolitan October 2019