
(Jacob Rumans) #1

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Jacket Dress Cookie

Step 13.
Roll out cookie dough to 0.25” thick.
Using either a template or freehand
design, cut out the shape of a dress using
a scalpel. Bake until golden brown.

Step 14.
Add a small amount of shortening to a
small amount of white Renshaw Extra
and also to the foam mat. Roll out thinly,
cut out the dress and using edible glue,
stick down onto the cookie.

Step 15.
Repeat with black Renshaw Extra and cut
out the jacket.

Step 16.
Cut out a collar and use a definition tool
to add collar edge lines.

Step 17.
Stick the jacket down using edible glue.

Step 18.
Thinly roll white flower paste and cut into
1cm strips. Frill out using the ball tool and
cocktail stick.

Step 19.
Apply the frills to the middle sections.
Add more frills to the edge of the dress.

Step 20.
Using black flower paste, create the
cascading section of the jacket. Frill out
and stick.

Step 21.
Pipe a crisscross design onto the white
section of the dress and add belt detail.

Step 22.
Add two lines down the middle and dots.
Add two more double lines in the middle
of each side.

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For more information about Darakshan
and her work, visit:
Instagram @littlemissbakes
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