Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

You can buy beeswax in bulk too. If you do this, make sure
that you buy filtered and refined beeswax, not bleached
(which will lighten your colors) or unfiltered (which is yellow
and will change your colors).

Drawings and marks can be made on cold wax with oil
sticks, just as you would with crayons on acrylic paint. Oil
sticks should contain very little filler; otherwise the parti-
cles will break up and float away when the wax is reheated.

Paraffin wax, available in powdered form, is best for clean-
ing up your hot plate. Just melt a little on your hot plate
and wipe away the paint.

Encaustic paints come in bars or cakes for melting on Q hot plate.
Oil sticks ore used like crayons and can be rubbed into the hard-
ened, textured wax surface.

Companies like R&F offer premixed mediums in cake form. You
can also make your own from powdered beeswax and dammar
crystals. Powdered paraffin wax is used for cleanup.

To save money you can make your own medium
with beeswax and dammar crystals.

Recipe for Encaustic Medium
You will need:

  • 4 oz (113 g) dam mar crystals

    • 1 lb. 2 oz (510 g) beeswax (Buy the
      powdered kind.)

  1. Put dammar crystals in a double plastic bag and
    batter with a mallet until they form a coarse pow-
    der. Put through a sieve to filter out any extraneous
    plant matter.

  2. Melt the beeswax in a clean skillet (not cast iron,
    as this will alter the color of the mixture).

  3. When the beeswax is thoroughly melted, add
    the dam mar crystals at 250°F (121°C) for approxi-
    mately 30 minutes, or until the entire mixture is
    molten. Do not overheat. It's best to use an electric
    pan with a thermostat. Stir regularly to ensure that
    the mixture does not stick to the bottom of the

  4. Lower the heat to 225°F (107°C). Continue
    to heat the mixture for another hour, stirring

  5. Ladle the mixture carefully into a saucepan, leav-
    ing larger bits of debris (bark, elephant hair, bugs,
    etc., from the dammar resin) in the bottom of the
    skillet. Wipe these away with a paper towel. Then
    pour the mixture through a strainer or a fine metal
    sieve back into the skillet.

  6. Finally, ladle the medium into pre-oiled muffin
    tins and allow it to set. You can cool them in the
    refrigerator and pop the cakes of medium out of
    the molds when they are very hard.
    Warning: Never use these utensils again for cook-
    ing, even if they do look clean.

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