Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1


Photo-Based Painting
(continued from page 1 25)

Because black inks can be rather stark, it can help to use a
color over the blackest areas. Here Violet Oxide has been
used to give the black more warmth. The same color has
been lightly rubbed over the creased tissue paper to bring
out the texture. A rubber stamp has been pressed into a
thin layer of heavy-bodied Violet Oxide acrylic, rather than
using a stamp pad. To apply the stamp to the canvas, hold
a piece of wood behind the area to keep the canvas firm as
you press down.
Reminder: Be sure to scrub the paint out of your stamp
thoroughly with a nailbrush immediately after you use it,
or the acrylic will dry in the grooves and you will perma-
nently lose the detail.


River in Flood, Ann Baldwin,
I 2" x 12 " 130.5 x 30.5 em!.
mixed media on canvas.
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