Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1


in Texture

Mixed-media paintings often contain textured materials. Cheese-

cloth, netting, tissue paper, canvas, string, corrugated cardboard,

rice paper, lace, paper doilies, screen netting, paper towels, coffee-cup

holders, handmade papers of many kinds, and crumpled newspaper

all work well in layered paintings. Some artists attach small objects

such as keys, beads, nails, springs, Scrabble letters, jigsaw puzzle

pieces, buttons, metal tags, badges, leaves, twigs, seeds, pasta, paper

clips, dice, typewriter keys, watch parts, plastic discs, bottle caps,

and rivets to their work.

LEFT: Script #'4.
Ann Baldwin, 15" x 11"
[38.1 x 27.9 em), acrylic,
in k, collaged text. corru-
gated cardboard, modeling
paste, heavy gel on Indian
handmade paper.

O PPOSITE: Calculations.
Ann Baldwin, 24" x 18"
(61 x 4 5.7 em). acrylic,
modeling paste, heavy gel
medium, newspaper, collage
on canvas.
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