Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

Making Patterns with

Acrylic Mediums

The thicker texture mediums can be very successfully
imprinted using a variety of objects: corks, bubble wrap,
plastic mesh sheets, the side of a credit card, cardboard
cylinders, embossed wallpaper, plastic netting, and rubber
stamps (wash off immediately after usel), Some plastic
food trays have interesting patterns on the base, so check
before you throw them awayl

The end of a cardboard tube pressed repeatedly into light
modeling paste

OPPOSITE: Napa Treeline III,
Ann Baldwin, 18" x 24"
(45.7 x 61 em), acrylic, ink,
modeling paste, crayon,
heavy gel medium. photo-
graphs on canvas.

Plastic mesh pressed into heavy gel and removed quickly to
create ridges


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