Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

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for Collages

Some dictionary synonyms for collage are: patchwork, ran-
dom collection, hodgepodge, or clutter. O f these, only t he
first suggests any kind of planned design. The others are
probably the very effect collage artists t ry to avoid!

How often have you declared in frustration, "This piece
looks so disorganized, just a jumble"? Collage artists are
usually pack rats. We have huge collections of old enve-
lo pes, postcards, used books, magazines, labels, tickets,
and wrapping papers. What others regard as garbage, we
see as rich pickings. " I never know when I'll need it," is a
common remark. Artists arrive at workshops with suitcases
full of found papers and prints, a thousand times more
than they will need in one day-or, in some cases, in years!

Matinees at Two,
Ann Baldwin, 22 " x 28 "
(55.9 x 71.1 em). acrylic,
collage, crayon on canvas.


Translucent plastic boxes like these are
lightweight and can easily be stacked on
open shelves. Even a middle box can be
carefully removed without taking all the
others down. They are also readily portable
for taking to workshops.
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