Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

Help I I Covered

My Image!

One of the most frequent cries of woe from any collage
artist is, "I just covered up something important- what do
I do to get it back?" If the acrylic paint is still wet and you
painted a layer of clear medium over your image before
you painted over it, you might be able to wipe off enough
paint to restore its visibility. But if the paint is dry and it's

not transparent, there's only one answer: glue on another
image, Consider making several copies of your most im-
portant images before you begin, so that you always have
a duplicate with which to start afresh. The other solution-
and one I use often-is to be flexible and select an alterna-
tive image. The result will be different, but it could be Just
as good. Only you know what you had in mind. Only you
know the history of your paintingl

The Cardinal. Ann Baldwin,
15" xii" (38.1 x 27.9 em),
acrylic, collage, crayon
on paper.
You'll never guess what used
to be where the cardinal is
now, but it was something
quite different!

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