Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

Pulling it All Together

How can you incorporate several of these techniques successfully into one
painting without it looking chaotic? The answer is: Layering. By placing some
collage items on the lower layers and some on the upper layers, you have more
flexibility with regard to composition. Think of your lower layer as background
texture. You don't want too much detail to show up in the final piece or it will
look overcrowded. Paints like Titan Buff and Zinc White are translucent: They
allow some details to show through, while veiling others. Transparent pigments
act like colored glass: Everything can be seen through them, as through sheets
of colored cellophane. They add richness and depth to the painting. Writing or
stamping directly onto a layer also allows other layers to remain visible.

sheet of 140 lb. (64 kg)
watercolor paper

  • matte medium
    printed texl in a variety of styles
    and sizes
    letter stencils
    tube of Golden Paynes Gray
    acrylic paint

~-....... -

stencil brush
Golden Fluid Acrylics: Titan Buff,
Paynes Gray, Transparent Red Iron
Oxide, Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide

  • ¥4 (1.9 cm) flat nylon brush

  • fine Sharpie in brown or black
    rubber stamp of a single character


Cover the entire support with a layer of
acrylic matte medium to seal it. Adhere a
few pieces of printed text, and then cover
these with matte medium too. Allow to dry.^2

Add stenciled letters with Paynes Gray
fairly randomly over the text, using the
stencil bush. Allow the paint to dry. Clean
the brush very thoroughly immediately


after use, otherwise paint will harden in the metal
ferrule and you'll end up with a stubby stick!
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