Publishers Weekly - 09.09.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Volume 266
Number 36
ISSN 0000-

September 9,


18 Battle for the Ballot
Publishers mark the centennial of the ratification of the 19th
Amendment, a watershed moment in the struggle for women’s
voting rights.

30 NYCC Reinvents Itself (Again)
The next New York Comic Con, which runs in early October, will
feature new hours, a ticket exchange, and a different venue for
Anime Fest @ NYCC.

42 The Language of Art
Cartoonist and educator Lynda Barry uses comics to help readers
unleash creativity in Making Comics.

1–32 Star Watch
Meet PW’s fifth class of young publishing stars who have made a
mark in the book world.


4 Making the Book World Accessible
Accommodation for people with disabilities varies at trade shows,
conferences, and fan fests.

5 Print Units Dipped at the End of August
Some softness in adult nonfiction was enough to drive down sales
of print units 0.8% for the week ended August 31 compared to the
similar week last year.

8 Deals
Sarah Huckabee Sanders sells her story, a book on the Jeffrey
Epstein case is nabbed by HC, a webcomic finds a home at
Scholastic, and more.

The Hidden World of Human Traffi cking

“Monique Villa’s years of experience as an esteemed
journalist, along with her tenacity and passion to
protect those who suffer in modern slavery, are clearly
demonstrated in this book.”
—Kevin Hyland, former UK Independent
Anti-Slavery Commissioner

Through the stories of three remarkable individuals
who share how the y fell victim to traffi ckers and
how their bodies and souls resisted an enterprise
of total destruction, Monique Villa takes us
around the world—from Ohio to Tokyo, London
to India, Qatar to Colombia—to uncover a parallel
world where men, women, and children are
dehumanized and reduced to obedient machines.

Written by a global leader in the fi ght against
human traffi cking, this powerful book uncovers
the hidden world of slaves—no longer physically
in chains—who walk among us, trapped in a
cycle of exploitation. Despite signifi cant progress
in the fi ght for human rights, slavery continues
to fl ourish. By giving voice to survivors of this
horrifi c trade, Villa vividly illustrates dire situations
we can do something about. Her call to action
outlines concrete steps to safeguard the vulnerable
among us and to eliminate slavery in our time.

Monique Villa is former CEO of the Thomson
Reuters Foundation. She is the founder of TrustLaw,
Trust Conference, and the Stop Slavery Awards.
She is ranked among the world’s 100 most
infl uential people in business ethics by Ethisphere.

October 2019 • 216 pages
978-1-5381-2728-5 • $24.95 • Cloth
Also available in e-book.
*Distributed to the trade by National Book Network. | 800.462.


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