The Nation - 23.09.2019

(WallPaper) #1
September 23, 2019 The Nation. 11


Jewry feared accusations of being more loyal to other
Jews—eventually represented by Israel—than to their
home country. Many American Jews opposed Zionism
until they learned of the Holocaust and remained cool to
Israel after its 1948 founding right up until the Six-Day
War, at which point it became the central component of
their ethnic and religious identity. Today nearly half of
American Jews say Trump favors Israel “too much”—far
more than Protestants or Catholics. As Israel becomes
more like the apartheid state its enemies have accused it
of always having been, more and more American Jews—
especially the young—are turning away from it and look-
ing for new ways to express their Jewish identities.
Trump has taken this moment to flip the script and
accuse Jews of being insufficiently loyal—not to America
but to Israel—by remaining Democrats. The accusation
has an anti-Semitic implication when Trump and his

fellow right-wing gentiles level it, as it implies that Jews
are not Americans first and hence cannot be trusted to
put their home country’s interests ahead of those of a
foreign nation. And yes, Trump is really catering to his
evangelical base, not to Jews. And yes again, he is doing
it in his own ridiculous way, retweeting an anti-Semitic
conspiracy theorist. But it is not so different from what
the Podhoretzes, the Kristols, Peretz, and company have
been peddling all these years.
The neocon scolds were never willing to face up to
the possibility that Israel’s interests were not always
those of the United States and vice versa. Trump,
naturally, has confused the question with his unique
combination of stupidity and cupidity. But the truth is,
to oppose both Trump and Netanyahu has no bearing
on whether one is a good Jew. It means only that one is
a decent human being. Q

The neocon
scolds were
never willing to
face up to the
possibility that
Israel’s interests
were not always
those of the
United States.


Back to School
Students boycott their classes as they take part in a
pro-democracy protest at the Chinese University of
Hong Kong on September 2. Organizers predicted
that approximately 10,000 pupils from more than
200 secondary schools and universities would not
attend class on the first day of the school year.

Calvin Trillin

Deadline Poet

Politicians Respond

to Mass Shootings

The pols all offer thoughts and prayers
To comfort those still living.
Their thoughts concern the NRA,
Their prayers that it keeps giving.
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