The Economist UK - 07.09.2019

(Grace) #1
The EconomistSeptember 7th 2019 Middle East & Africa 47


t is easyto spot the Jewish and Arab
neighbourhoods in Ramle, one of Israel’s
few “mixed” cities. The Jewish ones consist
mainly of tall, fairly new apartment build-
ings, with neat pavements. Arab areas,
clustered around the city’s old centre, are
haphazard and dilapidated. Naif Abu-
Swiss, an independent city councillor, in-
sists that things are changing. After being
elected last year, he joined the municipal
ruling coalition, headed by a mayor from
the right-wing Likud party, and has been
put in charge of urban renewal.
“A Likudnik mayor is best for us,” says
Mr Abu-Swiss. “He’s close to the govern-
ment and gets funds for Ramle. He’s not
prejudiced and is investing in planning
and renewal in the Arab neighbourhoods.”
Even so, the councillor hopes the long-
serving Likud prime minister, Binyamin
Netanyahu, loses the parliamentary elec-
tion on September 17th, Israel’s second this
year (Mr Netanyahu failed to form a co-
alition after the first, in April). “He needs to
be replaced, so Israel won’t be like an Arab
dictatorship,” says Mr Abu-Swiss. Arab vot-
ers could be key to turfing him out.
Mr Abu-Swiss, a property developer, is
one of a new wave of Arab-Israeli politi-
cians who advocate a change of political
strategy for Israel’s main minority. A fifth
of Israeli citizens are Arabs. They have had
the right to vote in every Israeli election

since the country was founded in 1948. But
their main parties have never joined a na-
tional coalition government. This is partly
because of the ruling parties’ refusal to in-
clude them, but it also reflects the reluc-
tance of Arab politicians themselves. Join-
ing an Israeli government, many have
argued, would make them complicit in
mistreatment of their fellow Arabs.
In recent years, though, a big shift has
been under way. In a poll in March, 87% of
Israeli Arabs said they would like to see an
Arab party join the ruling coalition. The
same poll found that those who considered
themselves “Arab-Israeli” outnumbered
those who preferred to identify themselves
as “Palestinian” or “Palestinian-Israeli”.
Though the broader Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is far from being solved, Israel’s
Palestinian citizens (unlike their brothers
living without political rights under mili-
tary occupation in the West Bank) have
more to gain from integration. And though
inequality and discrimination are still part
of their daily lives, some advances have oc-
curred. The improvement in education and
health has been dramatic. Arab citizens
have almost closed the gap with Jews in life
expectancy and years of schooling, though
they are a lot less rich. Israeli Jews on aver-
age earn over 50% more than Arabs. Half of
Arab families fall below Israel’s official
poverty line.

In 2015 the Likud government passed a
five-year plan to spend an extra 15bn shek-
els ($4.25bn) in ways that might help Arabs.
This was meant mainly to help Arab local
authorities which were planning new
neighbourhoods and industrial zones in
their jurisdiction and to improve educa-
tion and job prospects. Arab politicians
grumble that these projects are happening
too slowly, but admit that the money is
making a difference.
The political climate matters, too, how-
ever. “It’s like eating in a fine restaurant,
where the waitress says: ‘I hope you choke
on your food,’” says Issawi Frej, an Arab
member of parliament. “Netanyahu is cor-
rect when he says that under his govern-
ment more money than ever went to the
Arab community. But it was also a period of
peak incitement against Arab citizens.” Mr
Netanyahu has periodically accused Arab
citizens of lawlessness and disloyalty. On
election day in 2015 he warned that “Arab
voters are moving in droves to the polling
stations.” In 2018 he pushed through a “na-
tion state law” declaring that Israel is the
exclusive homeland of the Jewish people
and downgrading Arabic from the status of
an official national language.
Despite this, Mr Frej, a member of a pre-
dominantly Jewish left-wing party, Meretz,
insists that “to serve the interests of the
Arab community, we need to be in co-
alitions and government. I’m prepared to
sit with anyone, except outright racists, to
achieve that.” However, Mr Netanyahu’s
propaganda works. Even Benny Gantz,
leader of Blue and White, the main opposi-
tion party, will not say in public that he is
prepared to include Arab parties in his co-
alition if he wins.
“How can we endorse as prime minister
someone who won’t even talk to us?” asks
Ayman Odeh, Israel’s most prominent Arab
politician and leader of the Joint List, an
electoral alliance of four Arab parties.
Nonetheless, in an interview less than four
weeks before the election, Mr Odeh said he
would be prepared under certain condi-
tions to join a government under Mr Gantz.
That suggestion did not go down well. Blue
and White, anxious not to anger its Jewish
voters, gave Mr Odeh the cold shoulder.
Some of his more nationalist Arab col-
leagues huffily insisted that he was speak-
ing only for himself.
In this year’s first election in April the
turnout of Arab voters plunged to 49%,
from 64% in 2015. This has been ascribed
partly to a feeling among Arabs that their
votes have no influence, partly to Arab poli-
ticians’ focus on nationalist issues at the
expense of their constituents’ domestic
concerns, and partly to Jewish hostility. At-
titudes on the Arab side are beginning to
change. But the Jewish side, including
most of the centre-left opposition, is still
loth to accept Arabs as equal citizens. 7

Israel’s biggest minority could hold the key to political change

Israel’s Arab citizens

Arab-Israelis or Palestinians?

A veiled threat to Netanyahu
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