108 Outdoor Photography February 2018
Steve McDonald
Left There was still quite a bit of
snow and ice left at West Virginia’s
Blackwater River Falls during my visit.
I wanted to show the power of the
water, which – despite the freezing
temperatures – was still able to
fl ow downstream.
Canon EOS 5D MkII with 24-105mm lens
at 58mm, ISO 100, 20sec at f/9, tripod
african-myst ique.co.uk
Chris Train
Left (below) This shot was taken after a lot
of slipping and slithering around in the
beautiful Glen Sannox on the island of
Arran. There are many challenges when
taking this type of image: lens fl are,
droplets on the dome port, backscatter
and twisted ankles, to name a few. This
particular shot needed a bit of work in
Photoshop to balance the two halves of
the image and remove some lens fl are.
Nikon D500 with 10.5mm f/2.8 fi sheye
lens, ISO 360, 1/200sec at f/13, Aquatech
waterproof housing with 8in dome port
David Eberlin
Opposite (top) This is a favourite spot
of mine, at Gunthorpe Bridge in
Nottinghamshire. It was a misty day
in September and the view over the
river Trent kept changing as the mist
thickened, thinned and drifted around.
Here, the sun was coming through
and creating a distinct warm glow,
so I zoomed in to capture the detail
of the riverboats and Toll House.
Fuji X-T2 with XF 55-200mm at 115mm,
ISO 200, 1/2000sec at f/5.6, handheld
Johnny Baird
Opposite (below) This is Lago di Braies
- also known as the ‘Pearl among the
Dolomite Lakes’ – in Italy, shot during
the blue hour. I arrived in the dark, with
stars and the constellation of Orion still
hanging in the sky above Croda del Becco
mountain. I exposed for the foreground
and the sky separately and blended the
exposures in Photoshop.
Nikon D810 with Nikkor 14-24mm
lens at 14mm, tripod
Foreground and mid ground:
ISO 640, 128sec at f/4.5
Sky: ISO 800, 10sec at f/2.8
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