Into the Woods: Trees in Photography
22 April
V&A, London
Marking the 800th anniversary of the Charter
of the Forest sealed in 1217 by King Henry III,
and the launch of the Woodland Trust 2017
Charter for Trees, Woods and People, the latest
exhibition at the V& A explores how trees have
been a source of insp iration to photographers
all over the world from the medium’s inception
to the present day.
Drawing on works from the Royal Photographic
Society collect ion and the V& A archive, the
exhibition includes photographs by Edward
Steichen, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paul Strand
and Ansel Adams. Contemporary work by
Stephen Store, Simone Nieweg and Tal Shochat
is also included.
Above, Below, Beyond
To 24 March
J D Fergusson Gallery, Perth and Kinross
This unusual exhibition shows a collect ion of
large scale, subaquatic images taken just off
the coast of Scotland by free diver Janeanne
Gilchrist. A free diver for 10 years, Gilchrist
seeks out natural and manmade materials lost
at sea and then creates intriguing underwater
images of what she fi nds. Gilchrist says: ‘On
my underwater expeditions I have discovered a
whole new beautiful world where gravity doesn’t
apply and everything is in const ant fl ux. I’m
exploring my own limits by shooting underwater
and capturing unseen moments.’
janeannegilchrist artist .com
12 Outdoor Photography February 2018
Empty, from Above, Below, Beyond
Rimon (Pomegranate), 2011
South Downs Dark Skies Fest ival
9 to 25 February
Various venues
In 2016, the South Downs National Park
became an International Dark Sky Reserve.
South Downs Dark Skies Fest ival helps
celebrate the litt le light pollution there is
in the area and raise awareness to help
protect it. Over the two weeks of the
fest ival you can enjoy an array of act ivities,
including talks by expert ast ronomers,
nightt ime walks (where you can discover
the noct urnal native wildlife) and top tips for
learning the secrets to capturing st unning
ast rophotography. Visitors will also have the
chance to see st ars, planets and galaxies
up close through powerful telescopes.
For more details go to southdowns.gov.uk
© Tal Shochat
© Janeanne Gilchrist
© SDNPA / Sean Lewis
Halnacker Windmill by moonlight
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