36 Outdoor Photography February 2018
QUICK GUIDE TO...Photographing mountain hare
The uplands of Scotland is an incredibly harsh environment, but it is also home to one of Britain’s fi nest mammals,
the mountain hare. Drew Buckley shares his top tips for creating stunning photographs of this elusive subject
Unlike their southern brown relatives,
mountain hares turn completely white
in winter, so looking for a white animal
on a snowy landscape is obviously going
to be tricky. Good places to look are in
upland areas such as heather moors and
mountain corries. Start your search well
above the tree line and on hills higher
than 400m in altitude (although in most
cases the hares will be far higher than
this). Throughout the winter months
- especially when there is snow on the
ground – the hares will do a lot of sitting
around to conserve energy so it pays to
scour the hillside with binoculars for
resting individuals.
Just like us, hares will always try to
shelter from bad weather, so what you’re
looking for on the hillside are ‘forms’.
These are small depressions in the
landscape where a hare has scraped out
an area in the snow in a gully, behind
a boulder or just below an overhang of
ground. Here they will sit all day, with
their backs to the hillside, looking out
across the landscape.
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