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Rob Amsbury facebook.com/AngleseyandNorthwales, Ian Barnes ianbarnesp hotography.co.uk,
Pete Bridgwood petebridgwood.com, Laurie Campbell lauriecampbell.com, Ade Gidney fl ickr.com/photos/39546003@N06,
Alan Novelli alannovelli.co.uk, Andrew Ray andrewrayphotography.com, Andrew Stannard ast annard.com,
Simon Swales simonswalesp hotography.co.uk, Steve Young birdsonfi lm.com
Editor Steve Watkins
st [email protected]
Deputy editor Chris Gatcum
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01273 402807
Publisher Jonathan Grogan
Printer Precision Colour Printing, Telford,
01952 585585
Dist ribution Seymour Dist ribution Ltd
Outdoor Photography (ISSN 1470-5400)
is published 13 times a year by GMC Publications Ltd.
86 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1XN.
Tel 01273 477374
© Guild of Mast er Craft sman Publications Ltd. 2018
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Ben Tibbett s is an alpine
photographer, artist
and IFMGA mountain
guide. He sp ecialises in
working in remote and cold
environments and has
sp ent nearly two years in
the Antarct ic and over four
months in Greenland.
bentibbett s.com
Christ ian Fletcher has
been a professional
photographer for over 27
years, and is dedicated to
using photography as a way
to reinforce our connect ion
to our natural environment.
He runs an award-winning
gallery in Dunsborough,
West ern Aust ralia, and
teaches workshops both in
Aust ralia and internationally.
christ ianfl etcher.com.au
Nick Smith is a writer and
photographer sp ecialising
in travel and environmental
issues. He is a contributing
editor on the Explorers
Journal and is a fellow of the
Royal Geographical Society.
Over the last 20 years,
Lee Frost has become
one of the UK’s leading
landscape and travel
photographers and one
of the world’s best selling
photography authors. He
also leads sell-out photo
workshops and tours.
leefrost .co.uk
Athena Carey is a multi-
award-winning fi ne art travel
photographer sp ecialising
in long exposure and black
& white photography. She
is widely recognised for
her ability to capture the
emotional essence of place
and time within her images.
She teaches photo courses
online and locally and off ers
workshops globally.
Drew Buckley is an
award-winning professional
landscape and wildlife
photographer from
Pembrokeshire. His images
are internationally published
in many magazines, books,
and in the media. He
also runs location-based
photography workshops
around Wales.
Morag Paterson and
Ted Leeming’s work
explores emotive landscape
photography and creative
abst ract techniques. They
run friendly, dynamic
workshops, off er private
mentoring courses for
developing creative st yle
and exhibit their fi ne art
prints internationally.
Owen Vachell has enjoyed
photography since he was
a child, and his desire to be
outside dict ated the genre
of photography he was
drawn to. He loves exploring
new places and particularly
enjoys being out at sunrise.
He leads workshops in his
home county, Dorset.
David Forst er is an
award-winning professional
photographer with a lifelong
passion for the outdoors. He
was a member of a mountain
rescue team for nearly 20
years, and as a result much
of his work focuses on
mountainous areas and
other wild places.
bluest oneimages.com
Valda Bailey is an
experimental photographer
living in Sussex. She sp ent
many years painting and now
tries to create with a camera
what she felt unable to do
with a paintbrush. She uses
in-camera multiple exposure
and ICM to help simplify and
abst ract the detail in a scene.
Niall Benvie has
photographed and writt en
about the natural world
and our relationship with it,
professionally, for over 20
years. He is co-founder
of the international
photography project
Meet Your Neighbours.
James Roddie is an award-
winning photographer and
outdoors writer based near
Inverness. Most of his time
is sp ent guiding photography
workshops and writing about
hill walking, mountaineering
and caving. His current
personal work is focused on
derelict ion and abandonment
in the Scott ish Highlands.
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