Outdoor Photography

(sharon) #1
68 Outdoor Photography February 2018


Mast ers of Landscape Photography is available
now, via online retailers and all good bookshops
(Ammonite Press, 978-1781453209, £25).

Mikko Lagerst edt
Above Divided
Meri-Pori, Finland
After a long evening capturing the Milky Way on Yyteri
beach, in Finland, I headed to Siikaranta, a nearby location,
to see if I could capture an interesting foreground element
with the Milky Way. After a couple of photographs I realised
that this small crack in the rocks aligned with the sky
beautifully. I placed my camera as low as my tripod would
allow and used two diff erent settings to capture this scene
with a sharp foreground. The two frames were combined
in post-production.
Nikon D800 with 14mm f/2.8 lens
Sky: ISO 6400, 30sec at f/2.8, tripod
Foreground: ISO 800, 669sec at f/8, tripod

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