Outdoor Photography

(sharon) #1
February 2018 Outdoor Photography 75

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Glen Torridon
Multiple exposures taken in the rain. The images
were taken within seconds of each other and
layered together using Photoshop.
Canon EOS 100D with 85mm lens, ISO 100,
1/250sec at f/8

Liathach from Glen Torridon
Multiple exposure using ICM images, taken aft er
rain in low cloud. The individual frames were
combined in Photoshop.
Canon EOS 100D with 85mm lens, ISO 100,
1.5sec at f/2.8

Send in your best images and
win great prizes. This month’s
winner receives a Think Tank
Perception Pro backpack,
worth £129.25!
The Perception series is Think Tank’s latest
line of photo backpacks. The top-of-the-line
Perception Pro is a great option for outdoor
photographers thanks to its breathable, padded
airfl ow harness, removable waist belt and fi tt ed
backpack st raps that are claimed to suit both
male and female photographers alike. The
Perception Pro has sp ace for a small DSLR
or mirrorless camera, plus up to fi ve lenses.
It also features a dedicated laptop/tablet
compartment, sp ace for additional
(non-photography) gear,
an interior organiser
and st retchy side
pockets. A durable
coating means the
bag can cope with
a light shower, while
the removable rain
cover provides
protect ion in heavier
downpours, making it
ideal for all weathers.
To fi nd out more,
go to snapperst uff .com

of the commended fi nalists in Take-A-View
Landscape Photographer of the Year, 2015 (with
a conventional image), and also had work in two
of the RPS’ Photographic Angle exhibitions. The
following year I started to work with abstraction
and now sell work through a gallery in Lancaster
and another in the northwest of Scotland. Most
recently I had an abstract view of the Torridon
Mountains on show in Shutter Hub’s ‘Artifi cial
Things’ exhibition at Cambridge University
(which closes January 19). #Connected10 in
Nottinghamshire was a highlight of the year,
and I will be taking part again in 2018. A series
of my pinhole landscapes will also be exhibited
at a venue in London in 2018.

Hometown Over Kellet, Cumbria
Occupation Direct or at architect ’s pract ice
Photographic experience Three years

73-75 Reader gallery 227_SW.indd 75 18/12/2017 16:00

Free download pdf