The Spectator - 31.08.2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1


34 Laura Gascoigne

talks to Timothy Spall about his

new film Mrs Lowry and Son

36 Exhibitions

Ivon Hitchens

Laura Freeman

37 Theatre

Best of Edinburgh

Lloyd Evans


Breaking the Waves

Alexandra Coghlan

38 Radio

Lemn Sissay

Kate Chisholm

39 Cinema

The Souvenir

Deborah Ross

40 Television


James Delingpole

The listener

The Tchaikovsky Project

Richard Bratby

47 High life Taki
Low life Jeremy Clarke
48 Real life Melissa Kite

49 The turf Robin Oakley
Bridge Janet de Botton

42 Notes on... Tintagel
William Cook

50 Chess Raymond Keene
Lucy Vickery

51 Crossword
Raymond Keene

52 No sacred cows
Toby Young
Battle for Britain
Michael Heath

53 The Wiki Man
Rory Sutherland
Your problems solved
Mary Killen

54 Drink Bruce Anderson
Mind your language
Dot Wordsworth


Hostile environment, p

Flower power, p

Paul Wood has covered
conflicts in Syria, Chechnya,
Darfur and the former
Yugoslavia for the BBC. He
writes about trouble brewing
in the Middle East on p12.

Adam Holloway is the MP
for Gravesham and a former
army captain and investigative
journalist. On p22, he
offers solutions to the UK’s
homelessness crisis.

Jonathan Sumption is a
former Supreme Court justice
and medieval historian known
for his writing on the Hundred
Years’ War. He reads a new
history of Christianity on p26.

Sir Rodric Braithwaite is a
former British ambassador to
Moscow. His most recent book
is Armageddon and Paranoia:
The Nuclear Confrontation. He
reviews Peter Hennessy’s book
about the 1960s on p31.

Greg Garrett, who writes
about the meaning of monsters
on p30, is an English professor
and theologian based in Texas.


‘I was ver y keen on sounding like
Bob Dylan and I have a very high
voice. So I started drinking whisky
and smoking when I was young.’
Cerys Matthews, p

I sometimes wonder if the line
wrongly attributed to Mark Twain,
‘a lie is halfway round the world
before the truth has got its boots
on’, is now taken as an instruction
by environmental pressure groups.
Matt Ridley, p

My definition of man hood?
A sense of duty that means you
never leave a wife and a sense of
entitlement that means you never
give up a mistress.
Ta k i, p

Silly moo, p

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