Daily Mirror - 26.08.2019

(Jeff_L) #1

mirror.co.uk MONDAY 26.08.2019 DAILY MIRROR^29




in 2017 compared IF versus a
ard calorie restriction diet for a full
and concluded both forms of
ng were similarly effective.
wever, any diet is only effective if
e stick to it – and many slimmers
hey find IF much easier than
ng calories.

ealth benefits
followers claim fasting gives
organs and the digestive system
t from breaking down food –
reducing stress and inflammation
e body, which they say can lower
sk of serious conditions, such as
d because it lowers insulin levels,
y – including 5:2 diet guru
Michael Mosely, who claims to
reversed his own Type 2 diabetes
F – believe it could lower your risk
wever, most of the trials to date
been animal studies, and more
an research is needed to confirm

it safe?
e is currently no evidence to show
F – even the extreme OMAD – is

harmful, and experts say healthy people
of any weight can consider fasting as a
way to shed pounds.
Although, as with any new diet, you
should always check
with your GP first.
There are some
exceptions, however.
IF is probably not for
you if any of the
following apply:
„ You have any
pre-existing health
conditions, including
„ You are
„ You are pregnant
or breastfeeding
„ You have ever had
an eating disorder
Indeed, Azmina also
has some concern
about nutrition.
She says: “With our current life-
styles, it’s hard enough to ensure
you get enough nutrients eating
three meals a day.
“So eating fewer meals –
especially just one – can make
you run low in key nutrients
unless you’re very careful to eat
a good range of healthy foods in
the right amounts.”


helped me

finally shift

the pounds

Danielle Jones, 33, is a copywriter. She lives in Portsmouth with
her husband and two daughters, aged two and four:
Three months ago I saw a shocking picture of
myself that was a real wake-up call. I couldn’t
believe how big I’d got and realised I had to do
something about it.
When I was 23, I weighed just 7st 5lb, but over
the last decade had slowly piled on weight –
especially after having my two daughters.
I was a dress size 18-20, weighing over 15 stone, and at 5ft 6in
had a BMI of 32, which is classed as dangerously obese.
I’d tried various diets over the years, including slimming clubs,
but never kept the weight off for long.
My main meals were actually pretty healthy, but my downfalls
were drinking 10 cups of tea and coffee daily, each with 2tsp of
sugar, plus a litre and a half of full-fat Coke. I also liked to snack on
Pringles and Dairy Milk after dinner.
In all, I was totalling around 4,500
calories per day.
I liked the idea of fasting as I’ve always
tended to skip breakfast, so I looked into
the 5:2 diet.
But as an all-or-nothing person, I thought
I’d find it too hard to stick to the 500-calorie
limit on fasting days, as once I start eating I
find it hard to stop.
So instead I chose the 16:8 intermittent-
fasting programme. While on the diet, I
continued skipping breakfast – only having
black coffee in the morning until lunch at 12
noon – and then ate dinner around 7-8pm.
I couldn’t believe how easy it was – apart from the odd hunger
pang, which passed with a glass of water.
I felt great with lots of energy. I did find my sleep was disturbed
for the first couple of weeks, but this soon settled.
The weight started falling off immediately, at around 5-6lb per
week for the first six weeks. This has now levelled out to 1-2lb
a week. After a few weeks, I found I didn’t even need lunch and so
switched to having just one meal a day (OMAD) at 5pm.
Again, this was surprisingly easy.
Now that I’m eating only once a day I’m very careful to make sure
the meal is packed with protein, healthy fats, good carbs and fruit
and veg. For example, last night I had chicken fajitas with lots of
veg, cheese and sour cream.
After three months, I’ve lost 30lb. I now weigh 12 stone and
my BMI is 27. I’m going to keep going until I reach my goal
weight of 9st 5lb. At a recent health check, my results
were very good.
Not only am I healthier for my kids, I’ve also been
buying size 14 dresses in shops I couldn’t go into
before. I love this way of eating and will never go back
to three meals a day.

My main
meals were
healthy but
my downfalls
were sugary
tea, full-fat
Coke, crisps,
and chocs
after dinner

The main types of IF
The 5:2 diet
This diet, devised by Dr Michael Mosley, kicked off the
whole fasting trend. When following this diet, you eat
normally for five days a week and then fast – eating only
500 calories for women and 600 calories for men

  • for any two non-consecutive days each week.
    There’s pretty good evidence it can help you
    lose weight.

Alternate-day fasting (ADF)
Often called the “every other day diet”, here you
alternate daily between eating normally and
fasting, when you have one very small meal
(500/600 calories). The main downside people
report is going to bed hungry every other day.

Time-restricted eating: 16:8
The 16:8 method involves daily fasts of 16 hours
for men, and 14-15 hours for women, who are
thought to do better with slightly shorter fasts.
Each day you restrict your eating to an 8-10
hour window. This can be as simple as not
eating anything after dinner at 8pm, then skipping
breakfast, and only eating again at noon the next day.

The one-meal-a-day (OMAD) diet
The most extreme version of intermittent fasting, OMAD
allows eating for one hour only in a whole 24-hour period.
You can eat whatever you like within that hour, but when
you’re not eating, you’re only allowed to drink black
coffee and water. Followers claim it offers faster weight
loss than other types of IF.

fasted her
way slim

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