o just how serious is
Serious Sam 4? Well,
given that I am
watching one of its
developers merrily
crunching through a shrieking alien
horde using a combine harvester
while also picking off stragglers
with shotgun bullets, I’d say it’s
exactly as serious as you would
desire from the series.
In fact, my whole visit
Croatian studio is pep
moments exactly as se
both in-game and IRL
For example, there
studio, full of complica
sound dampening. It i
not quite ready (and h
ready for years) so the
recorded in an office j
Behind the scenes with SERIOUS SAM 4: PLANET BA
Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass
t to Croteam’s
ppered with
erious as this,
was the music
ated doors and
isn’t used as it’s
hasn’t beenquite
e music is
ust opposite the
ADASS.By Philippa Warr