Beijing Review - 29.08.2019

(Greg DeLong) #1



he value chain, along which there are
already escalating trade frictions and
conflicts, will be the center of global
competition in the future. The Asia-Pacific
value chain, particularly the East Asian one, is
critical for global trade, being a major driver of
global growth. However, the new trade frictions
between China and the U.S. as well as between
Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) are caus-
ing structural damage to the chain, which may

ing a country’s global status in science and
global economy and trade.
The first salvo in this dispute was fired on
July 1 when Japan announced restrictions on
the sale of Japanese chemicals essential to the
ROK’s electronic industry. It said exports of the
key materials used to make semiconductors
and digital displays would have to be approved
by its Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
on a contract-by-contract basis.
Leading ROK electronic companies such
as Samsung, LG and SK Group have been
highly dependent on Japanese chemicals for
manufacturing products like television sets and
cellphones. The semiconductor industry of the
ROK, a pillar industry accounting for 20 percent

not only lead to its contraction and stagnation
in trade growth, but also have a long-term and
far-reaching impact on regional economic inte-
gration, including trade agreements such as the
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
(RCEP) and the China-Japan-ROK Free Trade
Agreement (FTA).

On August 2, Japan’s cabinet decided to remove
the ROK from its whitelist of preferential trade
the ROK also dropped Japan from its whitelist
the same day. The trade friction, which partly
stems from the continuing disputes on his-
torical issues between the two neighbors, also
demonstrates the rivalry for dominance of the
hi-tech sector led by 5G communication, quan-


more than bilateral ties By Zhang Monan

Storm After Sunshine


Consumers select products made in the Republic of Korea at a store in Tokyo, Japan, on August 2

The author is a senior
researcher with China
Center for International
Economic Exchanges
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