Martha Stewart Living – September 2019

(Barré) #1


How can I safely let my cat
get some fresh air?
—Tristan Sandman, West Hollywood, Calif.
Giving Lucy exposure to the great outdoors
is a nice idea, but it can increase her risk of
injury and disease, and endanger local birds.
A better alternative: Create comfy hangouts
in sunny spots around your home—and give
her a view of the outside world—by install-
ing cat perches near windows. (For one DIY
idea, go to
In mild weather, open windows with secure
screens to invite a breeze. If you’re up for a
bit of construction, consider a “catio” (aka
cat patio), suggests Karen Kraus, exec utive
director of the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon,
in Portland: “It’s an enclosure connected
to your house that shields a cat from dangers,
while allowing her to move in and out.”
Small versions are like window boxes, while
larger ones resemble screened porches with
levels for playing. (Visit
catios to learn more.) To preempt problems
should your feline escape her catio, ensure
she’s neutered, vaccinated, collared, and
microchipped, says Kraus.



To entertain an indoor cat, set up a bird
feeder in your yard, suggests Purina
animal-behavior scientist Jean-François
Savard. Place it at least 30 feet from
a window to prevent collisions. Your
winged visitors will stay safe, and
your kitty’s predatory instincts will be
pleasantly (not frustratingly) stimulated.
—Brought to you by Purina�


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