Nature - 2019.08.29

(Frankie) #1

Article reSeArcH

Extended Data Fig. 10 | The cell-autonomous role of SLC25A44 in
brown adipocytes. a, Immunoblotting of SLC25A44 in human brown
adipocytes expressing a scrambled control shRNA (Scr) and shRNAs
targeting SLC25A44 (#1, #2). β-actin as a loading control. b, mRNA
expression of SLC25A44 normalized to TBP levels in a. n = 3 per group.
c, Noradrenaline-induced OCR normalized to total protein (μg) in the
presence and absence of Val supplementation in a. Differentiated human
brown adipocytes in the BCAA-free medium were supplemented with Val
or vehicle, and subsequently treated with noradrenaline. n = 9 per group
(Scr control, sh-Slc25a44 #1), n =  10  per group (sh-Slc25a44 #2). d, Mean
noradrenaline-induced OCR in c. e, Illustration of Val metabolism in the
mitochondria. f, Immunoblotting of mitochondrial proteins (as indicated)
in the interscapular BAT of control and Slc25a44-KD mice. GAPDH
as a loading control. g, ETC activity of BAT mitochondria. Isolated
mitochondria from BAT of control mice and Slc25a44-KD mice were
treated with rotenone (2 μM), succinate (10 mM), antimycin A (5 μM) and
TMPD (100 μM) with ascorbate (Asc, 10mM). n = 5 per group. h, mRNA

expression of Slc25a44 normalized to 36B4 in mouse beige adipocytes
expressing an empty vector (n = 3) or Slc25a44 (n = 4). i, Mitochondrial
Val uptake in beige adipocytes in h. n = 3 per group. j, Noradrenaline-
induced OCR in h. Differentiated adipocytes in the BCAA-free medium
were supplemented with Val or vehicle and subsequently stimulated
with noradrenaline. Vector: n = 20 (vehicle) and 16 (Val). Slc25a44:
n = 13 (vehicle) and 16 (Val). k, Immunoblotting of SLC25A44 in C2C12
myotubes expressing an empty vector or Slc25a44. β-actin as a loading
control. l, Val oxidation normalized to total protein (μg) in C2C12
myotubes in k. n = 6 per group. m, OCR normalized to total protein
(μg) in C2C12 myotubes in k. n = 9 per group. b–d, g–j, l, m, Biologically
independent samples. Data are mean ± s.e.m.; two-sided P values
by unpaired Student’s t-test (h, i, l, m), one-way (b) or two-way
(d, j) factorial ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test, or two-way
repeated measures ANOVA (c, g). a, f, k, Representative results from two
independent experiments. Uncropped immunoblot images are available in
Supplementary Fig. 1.
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