Nature - 2019.08.29

(Frankie) #1

Letter reSeArCH

Extended Data Fig. 4 | X-ray diffraction patterns from Ca[Si0.6Ti0.4]O 3
perovskite. a, Complete diffraction pattern of the Ca[Si0.6Ti0.4]O 3
sample as a function of temperature at about 12  GPa, with diffraction
intensity indicted by colour scaling. b–h, Magnified panels from a
focusing on the temperature evolution of the 311, 222, 400, 422, 440,

620 and 444 diffraction peaks (b–h, respectively; indexed using a cubic
lattice with a ≈ 7.3 Å), demonstrating the change in thermal expansivity
between cubic and tetragonal/monoclinic structures, and allowing visual
identification of the observed phase transitions.
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