Nature - 2019.08.29

(Frankie) #1


Extended Data Fig. 10 | Aberrantly expressed BORIS binds to
regulatory regions and is associated with new super-enhancers in Ewing
sarcoma cells. a, Immunoblot analysis of BORIS expression in TC-32
(pre-chemotherapy), TC-71 and CHLA-10 (relapsed, post-chemotherapy)
Ewing sarcoma cells, compared with BORIS expression in resistant (Kelly)
neuroblastoma cells. b, Meta-analysis of average BORIS ChIP–seq signals
in RPM per bp at all combined BORIS-binding sites for TC-32 and TC-71
cells. c, Meta-analysis of average BORIS, H3K27ac and SMC1A ChIP–seq
signals in RPM per bp at TC-71-specific BORIS-binding sites. d, Pie chart

depicting the proportions of genomic regions bound by BORIS in TC-71
cells. The regions shown are promoters (TSS ± 2 kb), typical and super-
enhancers (H3K27ac), and other (if peaks were not assigned to any of
the previous categories). e, Bar plot showing the odds ratios (two-sided
Fisher’s exact test) of BORIS localization to regulatory genomic regions in
TC-71 cells. All panels are representative of two independent experiments
(see Supplementary Note 3 for further details; for gel source data,
see Supplementary Fig. 1).
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