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Efficiency and performance
in harsh environments
Feature: Linear motors
NCA Motion’s LinX range of tubular linear motors has features
that match a vast range of automation applications. This includes
packaging, food and beverage manufacturing, printing, pharmaceutical,
rollforming, textile production, and test and measurement.
ANCA CNC Machines first introduced
ANCA Motion’s tubular linear motors in
2014, with the FX Linear and MX Linear
tool-grinding machines.
These direct drive motors have since
demonstrated some clear advantages
over ball screw and flatbed linear motors.
To satisfy the increasing market needs,
ANCA Motion developed the LinX M-se-
ries linear motor.
Indirect drive systems like belt and ball
screw drives, are common ways to con-
vert rotary movement to linear movement.
They are, however, slow and liable to wear
due to their moving parts. Direct drive lin-
ear motors can be more expensive initially
but offer a quick return on investment – as
well as precise positional control, speed,
and other benefits.
The speed and acceleration advantages
over ball screw motors – which convert
rotary to linear motion via thread and nut
- are impressive. The LinX M-Series can
reach a top speed of 10 metres per sec-
ond, which is a magnitude faster than ball
screws, without the loss of preload.
Traditional flatbed linear motors have their
advantages but come under mechan-
ical stress due to the strong attractive
forces between the forcer and magnets
- which usually requires a higher-grade
linear bearing, and results in faster wear.
In comparison, ANCA Motion’s tubular
linear LinX range has zero attractive force
between the forcer and shaft thanks to
its symmetrical tubular design, improving
machine lifecycle and reducing mainte-
nance. It also makes full use of magnet-
ic flux in comparison to a flatbed motor,
leading to higher efficiency.
“In packaging and machinery applications,
whenever high speed or acceleration is re-
quired for linear motion, the adoption of a
tubular linear motor such as the LinX not
only increases reliability but can achieve
higher energy efficiency gains,” explains
Heng Luo, Product Manager of the series,
ANCA Motion.
The LinX M-Series is rated to a peak force
of 1,200N, and with a continuous force
range of 80-160N, high speed and accel-
eration, and integrated position at a reso-
lution of 10um.
Safety is another critical factor; a tubular
linear motor is far more simple and safer
to install than ball screws and flatbed linear
motors, which have inherent risks such as
crushed fingers during installation or main-
tenance. The non-critical 1mm air gap offers
a significant safety advantage for machine
builders and end user operational staff.
The LinX range has their magnets fully en-
cased in the stainless-steel tube, and the
forcers are also fully potted. All these ena-
ble the LinX motors to achieve a tight seal.
Harsh environments are an area where tu-
bular linear motors are ideal, due to their
integrity. LinX motors are IP67 rated, with
IP69K upgrades possible for environments
such as the food and beverage industry,
where regular washdowns are carried out.