Global Times - 02.09.2019

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Monday September 2, 2019 B7

G7 should follow through with African aid promises

Johnson’s Brexit maneuver, perhaps a step too far, is bringing the crisis to a head

Boris Johnson is bringing the
Brexit crisis to a head. The Brit-
ish prime minister on Wednes-
day announced plans to sus-
pend parliament for more than
four weeks until October 14,
making life harder for lawmak-
ers who want to thwart his plans
to leave the European Union by
the end of that month. That will
force those who want to pre-
vent a chaotic “no-deal” Brexit
to move quickly – and makes
a contentious election more
In a letter to parliamentar-

ians, Johnson insisted the pur-
pose of the suspension was to
allow his government to pro-
pose new legislation. But John
Bercow, speaker of the lower
house, declared it a “constitu-
tional outrage,” as did Philip
Hammond, Britain’s former
finance minister.
If Johnson gets his way, par-
liament will be stuck on the
sidelines until shortly before an
EU leaders’ summit scheduled
for October 17. Any renegoti-
ated deal to leave the EU could
then be presented to British

lawmakers as the only alterna-
tive to a chaotic “no-deal” Brexit
less than two weeks later. By
then it will probably be too late
to find another way to prevent
Britain from crashing out.
Opponents of Johnson’s
Brexit strategy will have to move
quickly. They will have little
more than a week to stop him
after parliament reconvenes on
Tuesday. They have two broad
options: Force the prime min-
ister to seek an extension to
Brexit, or pass a motion of no
confidence in his government.

Johnson may be gambling that
rebels in his Conservative Party
will not bring him down as long
as there is a chance of a revised
Brexit deal. Alternatively, he
may hope a showdown with
parliament will trigger an elec-
tion, the one that the former
mayor of London insists he
does not want.
More than three years after
Britain voted by a narrow ma-
jority to quit the EU, there is
still no clarity about how the
country will depart, or whether
it will leave at all. Johnson’s

Brexit maneuver is the latest
attempt to narrow the range of
options. However, suspending
parliament may be a step too
far – even for people who voted
to “take back control.”

The author is Peter Thal Larsen, a
Reuters Breakingviews columnist.
The article was first published
on Reuters Breakingviews.
[email protected]

By Sun Haichao Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


ery few people held an optimis-
tic attitude about this year’s G7
Summit except French President
Emmanuel Macron, who attached an
air of importance to it. Reasonably, it
offers a stage for France to play a major
role in the international community. To
showcase France’s global influence, Ma-
cron has set his sights on Africa.
National leaders from five African
countries including South Africa,
Egypt, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, and
Senegal, along with leaders from the
African Union and African Develop-
ment Bank were invited to the G7
Summit. Also included
on the invitation list
were the heads of
important inter-
national political
and financial
like the United
Nations, World
Bank, IMF and
the Organisation
for Economic Co-
operation and De-
velopment (OECD).
Last year, Macron
proposed the major topics for
the G7 should cover the elimination
of inequality and African assistance
to boost its development and address
safety concerns. However, a joint state-
ment was not issued at the end of this
year’s summit.
This was an indication that no mat-
ter what kind of promises were made
to Africa, they will not bring substantial
Since the government of former
president Charles de Gaulle in the
1960s, Europe and Africa have been
two strategic pillars and driving forces
for France to emerge as a significant
power, and both are indispensable.
Developed countries must shoulder the
responsibility of helping developing
countries, but such advocacy is only
acknowledged verbally.
Nearly two decades have passed
since the announcement of the Mil-
lennium Development Goals, which
were designed by the UN to help Africa.
Nonetheless, the promises that have
been made by developed countries have

been far removed
from reality.
There still exists eco-
nomic, political, finan-
cial, and military control
over the former colonies.
Many African countries
have had to rely on finan-
cial aid and peacekeeping
troops to develop their economy and
ensure security.
At present, developed countries want
to reinforce the presence of the G7,
whose influence has declined, so they
highlight the objective of “promoting
African interests.”
However, people will not forget that

some African coun-
tries became victim
to the “Arab Spring,”
a series of revolts in
the Middle East initi-
ated by the West.
If Western
developed countries
like the US and European
nations sincerely want to assist
Africa, such actions will be welcomed
by all countries, including China. But if
they only want to revive their strategic
influence and status in Africa, they are
unlikely to reach this goal. There are
two reasons that support this view.
First, the idea of deeming Africa as

a sphere of influence has bored the
continent. On the one hand, Western
developed countries emphasize the sig-
nificance of Africa in geo strategies; on
the other hand, they only shout slogans
instead of putting them into practice
when it comes to providing aid.
As the most influential Western
country for Africa, France has long
considered it a traditional sphere of
influence. As a result, France retains
the “natural vigilance and hostility”
toward other countries’ involvement in
African affairs.
One case is that the US Africa Com-
mand is still located in Germany
and not Africa due to
the objection and
disagreement from
France. Neverthe-
less, French aid to
Africa has failed
to satisfy many
African nations.
Second, after
several decades’
exploration, Af-
rica has strength-
ened its indepen-
dent thinking. Some
of the ideas and lessons
are obtained through Africa’s
first-hand experience. African countries
are forming their own judgments about
what is good for self-betterment and
what is more feasible and convincing
than Western “strategies.”
For several consecutive years, China
has been Africa’s largest trade partner
and foreign investor. Based on observa-
tions in Africa, drastic changes have
taken place in many African countries,
thanks to China-Africa cooperation.
Moreover, as the largest develop-
ing country in the world, China is the
most suitable partner to provide Africa
with development experience. The
continent’s advance is an opportunity
for the world, which shouldn’t be a
zero-sum game between China and the
West. Today, it is necessary to respect
the choices and will of Africa. Promot-
ing African interests should be both the
criterion and the target.

The author is the director of the
European Center at China Foundation
for International Studies. bizopinion@

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